As its name suggests, Sunrise Wallpaper Changer helps you change your desktop wallpaper automatically at certain times scheduled by you. The wallpaper may include any image that you want, a proverb and a calendar. You can use any image that you have stored on your computer as a desktop wallpaper and customize the style (center, tile, stretch, etc), order of images, and change its frequency (every week, month, day at startup, but not every second, hour, etc. of the same day). If you want, you can also add a glass pane overlay and select its thickness and style.
The program includes an extensive list of proverbs that you can add to your desktop wallpaper, and you can also add your own. You will also be able to select their display order, position on the screen, change their frequency, effects, shadows, and other additional options. You can do almost the same with the calendar and even select its margins, font and colors, and blend effect options, among other things. What is more, the program comes with an email checker that allows you to add multiple accounts and notify you when you get an email. The wallpapers are shown using different transition effects that you can customize from the options panel, from where you will also be able to customize other important features.
In short, if you are looking for a simple but complete wallpaper changer with multiple options, Sunrise Wallpaper Changer can be a good choice.
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